Master Commander is a file manager, which is the replacement for Windows Explorer. A convenient dual-panel view and additional features allow you to perform a series of shorter file operations. Features: * files are displayed in two independent panels as a list or a tree * tabbed interface * optional tree view for each panel * built in archive handling: ZIP, TAR, GZIP, TGZ, BZIP2, RAR, 7ZIP * a text editor with syntax highlighting for many programming languages * a binary hex editor allows you to modify the files of any size * supports the fundamental operations on files and folders: copy, move, delete, rename * operations are executed in the background which means that when performing any function available in the program you can use other (or the same) function (for example: when you copy or compress files, you can browse or search for files) * allows you to encrypt and decrypt files using algorithms: BASE64, DES, TripleDES, AES (128 i 256 bit) * multi rename tool * file searching (with text searching inside) * file filters for display * calculation of folder size * modification of file date and attributes * create and verify file checksums (CRC, MD5) * file splitting and merging * a tool for comparing and analyzing the differences in the contents of files of any size (binary and textual) * a list of favorite folders * a simple command line * a tool to synchronize folders * a tool to download files from the Web * built in FTP client * a tool for code page conversion files * electronic signature file (signing and verifying) * a tool for display processes and dependent modules with the possibility of the location of the executable program and stop its operation * a tool for create an ISO image from any specified group of folders and files * a tools for share files and folders on the local network
Download and use it now: Master Commander